Restrict Users from Warehouses/Locations

@lubos this is the idea, in most businesses where inventory is sold, there usually is a manager and front men. The front men or sales reps just issue inventory/items for cash and that it. The manager is the one who monitors the stock levels in all the stock locations. He is the one who should care about inventory reports and inventory levels not the person selling or issuing them.

There are a lot of benefits with restrictions in an accounting applications (see the embedded post in post 2)
@Tut to be honest with you it seems you are against improvement of features in this app. You usually speak against very important feature requests some of which are basic and should be in any application meant for accounting, but without growth the app will fail. We can wake up tomorrow and find out that another app is out there with all these features so these requests should be taken serious, it been years.

If it is impossible now to reprogram restrictions in the app due to programming limitations it must be made known otherwise there is no reason why these very important features should not be implemented, it amazing to discover that @lubos doesn’t even think it necessary to make this improvement. An example is how a restricted user can have access to edit, delete etc entries they are restricted from in settings it unbelievable to find out that lubos hasn’t done anything about it after all these years.
It is as if Manager has peaked and can’t grow again.

See here

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