Restrict the user to specific clients

Restrict the user to specific clients

You made a statement. Do you have a question? Please do not make other forum members guess what you want to know about. Be specific.

This guide explains everything you need to know when setting up new users -

In addition to the new guide by @tony the also still valid and more comprehensive ones are worth looking at:


Although I agree with @Tut that your statement is far too short and does not constitute a question I am guessing that you mean:

“Can I set user-permissions for a user to only access selected customers and suppliers?”

and the answer is No.

Yes, I mean that
“Can I set user permissions for users to access only specific customers and suppliers? Why not
This is not good.
Also, why is the invoice created without restricting creation to the choice of the customer or supplier?

What is the point in not implementing this?