Reset Invoice Number

Hi Members,

Can you please let me know if there is a way to reset invoice count to start from #1 say after every 100 invoices or any mannual way.

Request you please help me with the issue we don’t want to show our customers how many invoices are generating. also searched this issue on forum but was unable to get any result.

Thanks in advance.

there is no method to automatically reset the invoice number.
Manager adds 1 to the highest invoice number each time.

Also, since you are an Indian user you should be aware that you cannot repeat an invoice number during a financial year. so even if there was a method to reset the invoice numbers, it would not be legally valid.

Please do not double-post questions.

While you cannot reset or decrease the number (and as pointed out, it would not be valid from an accounting point of view) … you can increase the number.

If you are sending two invoices to the same customer in a short period of time, consider introducing a gap in the numbering by manually updating the most recent number to be higher than Manager set it to by default.

505 - Customer A
506 - Customer B
507 - Customer C
508 - Customer D
518 - Customer A (generated as 509, edited manually to say 518 instead)
524 - Customer A (generated as 519, edited manually to say 524 instead)
525 - Customer C

The registered taxpayer in India has to submit the invoice numbers which were issued during every month, with invoice details being uploaded as well, and so the suggestion made by @ShaneAU or any other scheme can only lead to trouble.

Thanks All. Qwery is now solved and closed.

Appreciate the help.

Agreed - and it may also raise questions in countries that don’t require such detailed reporting, if you were to be audited. The auditor might wonder what happened to the missing entries.

If it works for you PRASOON, great. But please keep what spandan mentioned in mind.

You can show the last 2 digits of the invoice number by replacing this code,

 {% for field in fields %}
  <div style="font-weight: bold">{{ field.label }}</div>
  <div style="margin-bottom: 10px">{{ field.text }}</div>
 {% endfor %}

for this,

 {% for field in fields %}
  {% if field.label == "Invoice number" %}
      <div style="font-weight: bold">{{ field.label }}</div>
      <div style="margin-bottom: 10px">{{ reference | slice: -2, 10 }}</div>
  {% endif %}
  {% if field.label != "Invoice number" %}
      <div style="font-weight: bold">{{ field.label }}</div>
      <div style="margin-bottom: 10px">{{ field.text }}</div>
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

The name “Invoice number” must match the language set in manager.

This does not change the invoice number in manager but only suppresses the digits except the last 2


Thanks a lot Bro. :slight_smile:

i appreciate the effort of @Frankie but using this method will only put the user in legal trouble.
this is in a way falsifying the documents and you cannot issue falsified documents when selling taxable goods. both the transporter and supplier will need the correct invoice number. the transporter will not accept any disputes arising from the transportation of materials with falsified documents. also the supplier needs the correct invoice details to file his tax returns.

Yes, you are probably right but i just responded to the question and i don’t know the tax rules of @PRASOON_AGARWAL country. For me, i also don’t want to show the customer the sequence of the invoices and choose to obfuscate the invoice number by putting the year in front and the custom id at the end. This way the invoice number stays correct and traceable in manager.

@sharpdrivetek & @Frankie you both are right but the use here is different. What if we need to show bill to a third party only for price concerns?

We can always print 2 copies of bill with Frankie’s method using two different themes one for legal & other for only representation purpose.

For legal purposes tax departments in India do a regular check.

all my response was to your initial question.
your question was how to reset invoice number after every 100 invoice and also to not let your customers know how many invoices you have issued.
you never mentioned you just wanted to show new customers at what price you were billing to your existing customers.

I have been looking for the best solution to my desire to reset the invoice count for some time.
The need can arise from choosing to assign a manual number higher than numbers previously
sequenced for some special purpose, but not realizing the program will never go back to the
original sequence. As stated, Using Automatic numbering, Manager will ONLY add 1 to the
highest invoice number previously used, which renders it a somewhat useless feature.
Even if you change a previously generated invoice number to a higher number you are stuck.

The only thing that can work is to save a copy of your work every day. Then if you make this
type of “mistake” with invoice numbers, you can load a previous version of Manager before
the mistake and duplicate the work since that point in time, thus avoiding the mistake.

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@RichT you are replying to a 4 year old topic and there has been many changes since then.

we have History feature now which helps identify and undo mistakes.