I would like to have a report sorted by date and the account item and value. Lets say I have a phone bill of $30 half is business and half is personal. I create a new payment.
Date 1/1/18
Description Telephone
Telephone 15
Personal withdrawl 15
Lets say I have a lot of these types of payment and want to quickly get an overview how I have registred them. General Ledger Transactions only gives date per account.
Cash report is grouped by accounts moved. You will not have the detail of all the invoices. I don’t understand how you want this report. Can you please explain it better?
BTW in your first post you are talking of payments but you are showing invoices registration which is not a payment… Are you operating by cash or competence?
This is not about invoices it’s about payments but it could also be about reciepts see image at bottom. Lets say I have 1000 transactions. And something is not right but I can’t find it. If I can have a report on the format below. I can see one level below the description and the actual accounts used to register it. It would be much easier to find an error if it happens since I can see how it’s registered. I used to live in Sweden and these reports are standard in every booking program. They are very useful.Hope this made it clearer.
Assuming that this has to do with the “Personal Withdraw” account can I suggest that from the Summary tab, click on the account balance and export, then for the transaction related accounts (Telephone) do the same - click on the account balance and export. Now you can either manipulate the data within a spreadsheet or print off and cross check the listings.
I might be missing something here. I created a Receipts &Payments Summary report clicked on Telephone and exported I still only get the total value for a date not the breakdown. Doesn’t seem to be possible to see the sub level accounts that Im looking for…
What you are seeing, @uniquef, is the list of transactions in the tab you clicked. In the case of having clicked on Receipts & Payments tab, you are seeing the payment of 30. If you did as @Brucanna suggested and clicked on accounts on the Summary page, you would see a list of transactions contributing to the account clicked. This is referred to as “drilling down.”
This is not true. It also lists reference numbers (if you are using them on receipts or payments, and always for those automatically applied), and line item descriptions. Here is report from a test company for the transaction you described. The withdrawal was posted to Retained earnings, an equity account, as could be appropriate for a sole trader. The payment reference number is 1:
This shows the transactions for all the payments to the telephone account which is good. I still would like to see it like this. Is that possible?
9/9/18 Telephone Debit Credit
Telephone Sep. 15
Personal Withdrawal 15
Bank 30
9/8/18 Telephone Debit Credit
Telephone Aug 20
Personal Withdrawal 20
Bank 40
9/7/18 Telephone Debit Credit
Telephone Jul 10
Personal Withdrawal 10
Bank 20
Is there any benefit of using a equity account (Own Capital or something similar) instead of a Personal Withdrawal acoount under expense? Or maybe I should just use equity account for both Personal Withdrawl and Personal deposits instead? I still have to balance it at the end of the year to a equity account anyway so I don’t have a liabillty.
Only by looking at the Edit screen for the specific transaction. There is no report that repeats all the details of all accounts of all transactions. I confess, I am having trouble envisioning a problem you could not find by drilling down on the various accounts that would be solved by a lengthy report such as you are suggesting.
Yes. If you are a sole trader, a personal withdrawal is not an expense of the company, so accounting for it that way is incorrect. Either create a capital account for yourself and post withdrawals to the Drawings subaccount or rename Retained earnings as Owner’s equity. See these Guides: https://www.manager.io/guides/8936 https://www.manager.io/guides/6971
Thans for the links about Equity. Regarding the reports yes I can find it other ways. I still see the benefit of being able to have the report. It gets a better overview and you can find things faster.
What you describe is the equivalent of an old-fashioned, hand-entered, daily journal, every single line of which had to be transcribed into appropriate account ledgers. Eliminating that is one of the primary benefits of computerized accounting systems. There would be no way to find one of your entries after thousands have been made except to laboriously read the entire journal—or, to know in advance where the problem existed. It’s easier to search the records themselves than a report about the records, which always has less information.
Another question about Equity and personal draws and deposits. If I only use retained earnings (renamed to Owners Equity) it all shows up under receipts in payments/receipts report even though it uses debit and credit. If I chose to create a group under Equity called Owners Equity and create 2 sub accounts Personal Draw and Personal Deposit then it shows up under receipts Personal Draw and payment Personal Deposit. Is that a good way to do it?
Whats the benefits of doing it as a Capital Account versus the way I suggested? I can see that I get the Capital Accounts Summary report which is nice. In the Receipts & Payments Summary, Capital Accounts only shows for either Receipts or Payments not both. At the end of the year do you balance the Capital Accounts so its zero if yes. To what account?
Capital accounts are perpetual accounts; they carry forward from year to year. Expense accounts are reset by adjusting the reporting period in Manager.
Your questions indicate you are not familiar with this aspect of accounting. I recommend spending some time on the many educational web sites to learn about this. You could start here: https://www.accountingcoach.com/. Manager is a tool, and until you understand what the tool is supposed to accomplish, you won’t be able to use it.
I looked around more on the forum and read up on https://www.accountingcoach.com/ that I saw you posted in another thread. Im more familiar with Swedish wording and that made it a little challenge to understand what the english words mean in the context as well as how Manager is designed. I decided to rename Retaine earnings to Accumulated profits (or losses) as suggested from @Brucanna in another thread and created a new account under equity Owners Equity. When I do deposits or draws I add that to the description and can see it under Statement of Changes in Equity. I guess I could only have used Retained earnings and renamed it as Owners Equity. I got a little bit more structure with two accounts. Im going to check with the accountant as well this works… Thanks for all input!
What you have now described will work fine as is perfectly standard accounting practice. The use of a Retained earnings account is more typical of a corporate entity. Distributions of earnings are made from it to partners, shareholders, etc., depending on the legal form of organization. Because a sole proprietor/trader owns everything anyway, there is no accounting reason to have separate accounts and have to move things. Hence, the idea of renaming Retained earnings as Owner’s equity: everything in Retained earningsis owner’s equity; it just hasn’t been moved to a different account yet.
Personally, if I wanted more visibility, I would establish a capital account for the owner. Then, you automatically get capital subaccounts, including Drawings, which is what you are tracking with your separately created expense account. The fact remains that you have many options for structuring the equity portion of your balance sheet. Choices will depend on the resolution you want to display.
I renamed Retained earnings to “Accumulated profits (or losses”). Or I could use “Owners Equity”.
I created a new account “Owners Capital” under Equity. Here I see the total what capital I have invested. I can also see the the draws and deposits (contributions) in Statement of Changes in Equity report. There is no difference to me as a sole trader besides the Capital Accounts Summary which data I also get from the Statement of Changes in Equity report.
The capital accounts adds 2 steps. I have to chose the “Capital Acocunts” and the sub account “Owners Capital” and “Drawings” or “Contributed Funds”. For Owner’s Capital i Only chose that 1 vs 3.
Is there any other reports that Capital Accounts show up, than the ones below. If not I don’t really see the benefit of the “Capital Accounts” as a soletrader. A Owner’s Capital account is enough. Maybe I missed something?
I only used both Capital Accounts and Owner’s Capital to see the difference in the reports.
As seen in this report they seem to work the same in this report “Statement of Changes in Equity”