why i can add reference numbers automatic
only number
and cant use alphabetic content
please update it to can use both in automatic
why i can add reference numbers automatic
only number
and cant use alphabetic content
please update it to can use both in automatic
If you search the forum this is a subject that has been discussed many times.
It it most unlikely that the developer will change the software to do this, so we are stuck with the current numbering system.
Once you adopt alphabetic content, the program has no way of knowing the significance of the alphabetic characters. Different schemes use them to designate years, regions, months, customers, salespersons, product lines, etc. There is no way the program could continue a sequence.
Meanwhile, many users’ governments impose legal requirements for sequential numerical references. Satisfying such legal requirements is the purpose for including automatic sequencing in the program. But if you want alphabetic content, the program is perfectly happy to accept whatever you enter.
You can also add alphabetic prefixes or suffixes with custom themes.
That should be your go to strategy, imho.
Many use prefixes like CI/2021/999, but in manager, the number after that will be 2022000 which is not correct by most people’s standards.
Adding sequence prefixes using Custom Themes will solve all your specific sequencing problems except for resetting of counters (which isn’t really worth the trouble to maintain if you ask me).