Recurring Journal Entries banner not working

The Recurring Journal Entries Notifications disappeared and I can’t open it although the other recurring transaction working normally

What edition and version are you using? I just tested with desktop v23.2.2.607 (currently the latest available download) and it works perfectly.

If a software update does not fix your problem, provide more details, including screen shots illustrating the Edit screen of the recurring journal entry and the steps you are using.

thanks for your quick respond we use the cloud version
and here below screen shoots


even though the purchase recurring invoices is working normally

Could you please provide a screenshot of Settings > Recurring Transactions > Journal Entries.

We want to inform you that we created a backup and tested it on desktop version number and it working normally . anyway here below the requested screenshot

I can reproduce this bug.

I am using cloud edition, My recurring journal also not working.
Would you please advice, how shall this problem be solved

This has been fixed in the latest version (23.2.13). If you are on cloud edition, you can force the upgrade by going to, log in then click Restart Cloud Server button.

Now t’s working

thank you

Continuing the discussion from Recurring Journal Entries banner not working:

I have the same problem but with the Recurring Purchase Invoices, could you please assist? Thanks

as requested for the recurring purchase invoices post a screenshot of the edit screen of one of the “offending” invoices.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Recurring Purchase Invoice isn’t working ¿?

This has been fixed in the latest version (29.11.23)