I am having a problem with reconciling bank account in Manager.
First problem was that all listed items matched my bank statement but Manager was showing as unreconciled ??
I tried another month and it would not reconcile either as it was not showing a transfer between accounts in the reconcile page but it was showing in inter account transfers.
I went out and rechecked and when I went back in the page was then showing all of the last months transactions and non of the current months even tho it was dated as the current month and I have just been on the page and checked off bank statement.
Is anyone else having issues ? I am using the free download desktop version. I have only been using it for a few months still learning how to use it and was happy before but this has put me off. As I am now concerned my other totals are going to be off when I generate reports.
I was a Myob user for the last 10 years in my old business, but now with a new micro business I was looking for a more affordable book keeping option. Thank you
No one is having trouble with the Bank reconciliation module.
You need to check the following
- You need to check and be sure all cleared transactions have been given a correct clear date.
- All Transactions have been dated correctly.
- The correct bank accounts have been selected for all transactions (Payments, Receipts, and Inter-Account transfers.
- Ending Bank balances have been correctly entered.
If you haven’t checked the guides please do Reconcile bank accounts | Manager
and Track cleared and pending status of bank transactions | Manager
I’m 100% positive that if you get these correct, your bank accounts will reconcile.
HI Abeiku I have check over everything and nothing has worked. Even did every individual transaction again. Deleted the reconciliation I had tried closed out and tried again.
Send a backup of your business and bank statement to contact@manager.io
Thank you Abeiku I have just forwarded a email thank you
Your account has been reconciled. You will receive an email with the business file and other details shortly.
Transactions were not completely reconciled. You must select a cleared date after changing the status of a transaction to ‘cleared’.
The closing balance had not been correctly captured and the beginning balance of your bank account had not been correctly entered.