Receipts and Payment qty / unit price column

I couldn’t agree more, this new convoluted way has opened the door for lots of things to go wrong without any real benefits to 99.9% of users.

I believe that this is making a tangled mess out of receipts and payments.

For one, the behavior of quantity column checkbox is being overly complicated for no reason. It’s purely a display issue that’s now affecting the core functionality of the entry form and that’s not good at all. Alternatively, if we put this display issue in context, this is what should have been made, imo:

  • The Qty Column checkbox should have ZERO bearing on how calculations work. It should be purely cosmetic.

  • The amount column should always equal Qty × Unit Price regardless of what box has been checked. The Qty should always default to one.

  • When Qty column is hidden, the Amount column is also hidden, which leaves the Unit Price visible. The heading of Unit Price column can be changed to Amount for cosmetic purposes.

As for the Fixed Total issue, I hate to go back full circle, but this seems like a workaround for manager not tracking bank discrepancies on transactional level.

I’m not going to bring back my proposal for matching BUT what if:

  • We recognize the Fixed Total issue for what it truely is – a reconciled amount and it’s related discrepancy.

  • The fixed total is renamed Reconciled Amount and placed alongside cleared status and cleared date.

  • This new reconciled amount should have ZERO bearing on how the form works or on how figures are calculated and instead, a discrepancy figure is shown in red after the totals much like how imbalanced Journal Entries work.