Re-order accounts on Summary page / chart of accounts

How do I re-order the accounts on my summary and in my chart of accounts.
I have searched forum and guides but they all seem to say use the re-order arrows.
I want ‘Income’ to show above ‘Less:Expenses’
The sort arrows to the right of every acount on either the BS or P&L do absolutely nothing.

Click on that 2 way arrow.

Did you read my post?? The arrows do nothing…

Did you read my reply? I said click on that arrow. Dont drag it. It will open list of similar level accounts/groups. arrange it and update.

I appologise. Tried that but it didn’t seem to work. Tried again and found that I could do that but had to be damn precise with the mouse pointer. Got it sorted thanks @shahabb . Use drag everywhere else?
Why do these arrows not work the same as the arrows everywhere else? i.e. dragging.

Np. Btw these arrows working same as everywhere else. Any list you want to arrange all accounts/columns/groups etc need to be of same level. But on COA there are multiple groups and hierarchies so it would directly change group or subgroup of an account by just dragging it. I dont have any issue with current setup.

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