Qty & Unit price not showing in Sales Quote print

When printing the sales quote, it doesn’t show Unit price and Qty, It only shows the discount and the discounted price, which is confusing for the me as well as customer, as the customer might think that he has said discount on the shown price, while its is Net price after discount. How to display the unit price and Qty in Sales Quote.

Unit price and quantity column will be visible on printed quote or invoice only if quantity field is not empty. By default it’s empty (it shows grayish “1” as default value but it’s still empty).

Try actually typing “1” or any other quantity to quantity column and quote/invoice will print those extra columns.

Thanks a lot. I really love this software. Thanks a lot once again.

Hello Lubos,

I use your template invoice, and I chang the guantity more than 1, but the quantity and unit price doesn’t appear in the invoice.

Can you help me?

Thanks a lot!

I’ve solved it! :slight_smile: