QR Code Generation for Invoice

Dear @lubos,
The QR code is not generated correctly on the tax invoice if a tax rate that has a custom title for the sales invoice is used. Is this the correct result from the QR extension or it will be fixed?

All my Tax Invoices do not generate QR Correctly.
I remember that when I imported the QR extension for the first time I’ve imported all Saudi Arabia localization available too, then my tax rate 15% changed to 5%, and vice versa, so I had to edit the tax rate to restore the previously calculated amount in all my invoices.
I’ve created a new QR extension and selected it to show everywhere instead of Sales Invoices only, now that generated the QR in all other views like Purchase Invoice or Purchase Quotes even Journal entry but not in any view related to Sales like Invoices or Quotes.
Now I’m sure my mistake happened when I forced the imported Tax Rates from Saudi Arabia Localization to calculate the tax payable in the customized account (TAX PAYABLE ACCOUNT - CUSTOMIZED) instead of the builtin tax payable account, I did that by a batch update for the tax rates.
How I can fix that to make the imported QR extension work?
Now, I can see the QR information on my invoice if I moved the mouse on the QR area - customized QR - but I can’t see the generated thumb like this screen.

Kindly, help.