An invoice is a time-stamped commercial document that itemizes and records a transaction between a buyer and a seller.
As mentioned before “…In accounting, an account is a record in the general ledger that is used to sort and store transactions…”
The Manager guides at also explain that they record a transaction and that actual payment of the invoice in accrual accounting requires a second transaction. In summary Invoices record transactions and therefore use accounts to store and sort such transactions.
You did not answer my question what else can be quoted than inventory or non-inventory items.
Why are you circling right and left.
It is applied in a purchase invoice.
It can be applied in a purchase qoute.
End of story.
If there is a technical barrier, then I understand.
Other than that, you are circling around it.
I am not circling around anything. I explained in clear terms what the difference is between quotes and orders on one side (do not involve transactions) and invoices on the other. I tried to help by providing generic sources and Manager specific ones to support what others and I have stated.
On the other hand, you did not answer what else than non-inventory and inventory items exist and moreover ignore the factual differences and facts regarding what accounts present. I am just making clear that what you want, i.e. accounts assigned to purchase quotes and purchase orders is not recognized accounting practice anywhere. I did not dispute that any code changes can be made but they should never be made that goes against well established accounting principles setting any user potentially up for major accounting errors. Manager nor any other accounting software should support such practices and as far as I know they do not. This is my final response on this as indeed the answers become as repetitive as your unfounded request.
@AhmedAtia, your issue has been thoroughly addressed. You apparently do not like the answer. Those who have given their time to support you cannot do more. I am closing this topic.