Purchase price of items in foreign currency?

Is there a way to to enter the purchase price of my inventory items in a foreign currency? As of now, when I create a new item, I can tick “Auto-fill Purchases Unit price” enter any amount and that’s going to show that amount in my local currency only.

You can have only one purchase price for an item. So the entered purchase price will autofill into your invoices/order/quotes irrespective of the currency.

When I add a purchase price to an item and enable the purchase price column in the inventory items page… It shows that number in the local currency only. This is confusing as the prices I’m entering are actually in a foreign currency.

It doesn’t work with prices in different currencies

The price you enter on the Inventory Item is just a number

When you add the inventory item, it will use this number and the currency will be the currency associated with the supplier but no conversion is done to convert the price ie the number

Then i hope developer add option to select currency too or add option to enter purchase price for each of the available currency. For now its not possible, but still current implementation can work for you just issue is currency code which i think u should ignore.

It gets confusing when you have purchase price being in different currency for different items. If everything was the same foreign currency I could just ignore the currency it shows and just look at the number… but now it’s all mixed up.

Don’t add any price to the Inventory Item - keep a separate Price List by currency

How can I do that? Or are you just referring to having a separate spreadsheet?

I think hes referring to separate spreadsheet because there is no separate Price List by currency in Manager only the one in the inventory tab.

Meh, obviously I have spreadsheets right now but the goal is to have everything in manager and available at a glance as I’m scrolling through my inventory. The thing is it’s pretty much ALMOST there, just need to implement currency choice for purchase price.

If its that important then you can add a text custom field as there is no currency custom field (maybe this should be in ideas). Then Select placement at Inventory item. And add currency code manually with price. Then select that custom field as a column in inventory tab too. That way you can have price with your choice of currency.