Purchase order Custom title

Why we do not have custom title option in Purchase Order form?
We already have this option in Sales Order form.
I do rename it Purchase contract and Sales contract as we finalize/sign sales/purchase contract first instead of PO/SO

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Recording cash book

Can we have the option of renaming (Custom title option) in Purchase Order form please.

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@Shan For the time being, you can use Custom Themes to change the title.
Choose a custom theme, find {{ title }} and replace that with:
{{ title | replace: "Purchase Order", "Purchase Contract" }}
Of course, keep in mind that custom themes constitute an obsolete feature.

Thank you @evans for take your time to look into this matter.
what you’ve suggested is a good solution.
But I’m using lot of features of standard theme(such as footer etc.). If I move back to custom themes then I got to change many things again. That’s why I asked for custom title feature for Purchase Order as it already present in Sales Order.

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Is there any chances to have custom title option in Purchase Order form?

And in the currently available option in Sales Order form; even though I change the title to “Sales Contract” the form title changed, but when I do “copy to sales invoice” in that invoice the sales contract number still being “order number”

That is the difference between copy to and clone. If you want an exact copy inclusive of the changed form title you need to use clone.

That is not what @Shan is referring to, @eko. @Shan refers to the field label on the sales invoice form.

@Shan, you are using forms for something not intended. (An order is not legally a contract. It is only one of the three required elements: offer, acceptance, and consideration.) Orders have consequences within Manager. Your suggestion would not be the end of the story, but would have further repercussions in tabs and reports. Soon, you might lose track of what you are looking at. In my opinion, contracts should not be forced into accounting records. Generate them separately and attach them if you must.

Thank you @Tut , You’ve understood it correctly.
And what you’ve said it correct (the deference between order and contract). But we only make contracts and do sales or purchase based on that contract amount and quantity. That’s why I’m using the contracts as order. Everything going well, except the title(name) on the forms.

And I’ve seen nearly similar topic here Document(Invoice) name in customer/supplier statement not same as original doc title - #3 by lubos
That’s why I expected this topic too may have the same attention.