Project sometimes not showing on the purchase invoice

The new project function has been very usefull to me, but i cant figure out why some times it shows on the purchase invoice and sometimes not, is that a bug or am i missing something.

What version number are you using?

When entering purchase invoice, Project column won’t show when purchasing inventory items. This is to prevent double-ups.

Because most likely purchasing items would follow with either writing them off or selling them to customer both which would produce automatic Cost of goods sold entries in your direct costs. You do not want cost of your inventory items to appear twice in your direct costs for the project.


  • If purchasing inventory items for project, just purchase them without specifying project, then write them off using Inventory Write-off into a project
  • Alternative is not select inventory item on purchase invoice at all and simply select expense account (or have non-inventory item), this will reveal project column too.
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