Project-based Accounting

Is Project-based accounting active or not?
Was going through and saw it was to be implemented in a post dated June 2016.
If not, how does the Tracking Codes concept work (a recommendation was made that it can be used)?
What I have are different projects whose expenses I need to present individually before consolidating the same.

Thank you.

The Project Accounting module is still a work in progress
With Tracking Codes you can create a code for each project and then assign the relevant expenses to that code.

Then you can create reports for a project, a series of projects with or without a consolidated view.

Thank you, clearly explained.
I will try it out and revert on the same.

Is this feature available on the Cloud version please? I don’t see an option to enable it on the Customise page.

You will find it under [Settings]

Thank you @ries! I didn’t realise that was the same feature.

It seems that we can assign project codes to sales invoices, but not to purchases, is that correct? That’s unfortunate for us, since we want to track our projects’ expenses (they are not income-generating) and it seems that we can’t do that with this feature, unless I’m wrong?

Have you read this guide:

@ries thank you, I will do so. I also found that although I can’t assign tracking codes to purchase orders, I can assign them to cash purchases and bank transactions, so that probably fulfills most of the need that I have (although I can’t easily enter future expected outgoings).

@Chris_Wilson, a purchase order is not a financial transaction. That is why you cannot assign tracking codes to line items within one. A purchase order is merely a convenient way to order something. The associated financial transaction is the purchase invoice, in which you can assign tracking codes, line item by line item.

By the way, you keep asking questions about the cloud edition versus other editions. All editions are identical, except cloud and server allow multiple users.

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@Tut thank you for the reply! I didn’t realise that. I guess it makes sense, although for our use case, we want to be able to book future purchases and include them in our cashflow projections, and purchase orders would seem to be ideal for that, but we’d want them to be assigned to projects (working groups) and included in the budgets of those projects (until the purchase is completed, when the PO is replaced by a real transaction), and I guess Manager doesn’t support that.

Also, as I have been looking at these forums (which seem to be the main documentation for Manager) I have found references to many of the features that I’m looking for, but have been unable to find those features in the cloud version that I’m trialling (I haven’t tried the desktop one and don’t intend to). I thought that might be because the cloud version was some versions behind or had some features disabled that were active in the desktop version. But it seems that in some cases they were just described very differently or had been moved since the original discussion took place. I will assume that they are identical from now on.

Since purchase orders are not financial transactions, they do not show up anywhere in Manager reports. The program really does not have the ability to predict cashflow, for projects or anything else.

As for not finding features to match the forum, the program advances very rapidly. Relying on old forum posts is risky. The best documentation is the Guides at Guides | Manager. Even those sometimes run behind. For example, the recent addition of Bank Transactions, Cash Transactions, and Inter Account Transfers as separate tabs instead of being features under a single Cash Accounts tab has affected many of the Guides. They are presently under revision.