Profit Loss and Custom Report give different Inventory Cost amount

Need help please, I’m trying to generate Inventory Cost report per customer with Custom Report. But the amount of Inventory Cost from the report is different from the amount of Inventory Cost in Profit Loss report.

Here is the Profit Loss statment, the Inventory Cost is the account in the red box

Here is the resolt of Inventory Cost of every transaction both from Profit Loss (by clicking the HARGA POKOK PENJUALAN account) and from Custom Report.

The settings I use to generate the Inventory Cost from Custom Report

Is my approach is wrong? or it is a bug?

Thank you

Do not use old custom reports anymore. They are obsolete and going away. Old custom reports wouldn’t be able to give you inventory cost per customer anyway.

New custom reports can do this fairly easily:

This will give you inventory cost per customer / inventory item pair for the period.

You will need the latest version (20.6.49) for this.

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Thanks for quick response Lubos