is it possible to make production order for different items with different bill of materials?
Your question is not clear. Can you be more specific? Different items will naturally have different bills of materials.
Sorry for not being clear … my point was , is it possible to create item 10 X , 12Y & 13Z in same production order or will have to make different production order for 10 qty of x ; 12 qty Y and so on …
Trust it is clear this time
Read this topic with regards to standard sized batches
I guess this example does not answer me , here my query is if we have to make 1 carton of finished item "BIT120 " and 30 carton of finished item “CIT130” …do I need to make different production order
Yes, now I understand your question. The present answer is that you can only have one finished item per production order. There has been discussion, and a vague promise to add the capability, to allow multiple finished items from a bill of materials. But that was addressing a situation where a single input (such as raw wheat) produces multiple finished goods (flour, wheat bran, etc.). That would extend naturally to the situation where raw walnuts, salt, jars, and lids produced nut butter as well as crushed walnut shells (used as an abrasive).
There has never been discussion of a production order covering multiple, unrelated finished items. So you would not combine all the input materials listed above and obtain flour, wheat bran, nut butter, and crushed walnut shells on a single production order. (Actually, I suppose you could do that with the new capability, but why have unrelated manufacturing processes on the same production order?)
Regardless, for now it cannot be done.
Objective was to have daily one production order for shop floor irrespective of no of different items produced with different bill of materials
Is there any report , which could give daily production and daily consumption details of different finished products and raw materials respectively
Guys I have a question. I cut logs to make furniture.
Say 1 log = 100 cubic feet timber and they are processed to make different dimensions of wood planks. What would be the best way to record in my instance? Again, it’s the same 100 cubic feet of log which were processed to make multiple dimensions of wood.
I don’t think separate Production Orders
is working correctly for me. Please help.
You are correct - normal production order uses multiple inputs for a single output.
Your usage is for a single input with multiple outputs. This has been highlight before.
I think multiple inputs and multiple outputs should be implemented. Users who has single input can stop adding lines for finished product.
No - lets assume you have one log at a cost of 100 and you produce two finished goods A & B.
To do it that by separate production orders means you have to use two logs, but you only have one…
Also, product A may be high quality (plank) and product B may be low quality (woodchip), so you also need to apportion appropriate value.
My bad, in my last post I meant to say, the user who has single OUTPUT can stop adding lines for the finished item.
Since product A and B is coming out of the same raw material should be treated as one production order regardless of its quality. Thus the production losses can be determined. The issue I am facing is with quantity not quality.
Quality is also a factor - taking the log at 100 and say the planks/woodchip output is 50/50%
That means the planks & the woodchip each have a value of 50
But you can only sell the woodchip for 20, so that is a loss while the plank inventory is undervalued.
If during the production order you could enter planks ='s 85% and woodchip ='s 15% of the cost (100) then the inventory items would be better valued.
Consider whether production orders are appropriate at all. They are for when finished inventory items are created from raw inventory items. Perhaps tracking such an imprecise unit as a log isn’t necessary, especially as you never sell complete logs. Maybe you could only create the semi-finished goods: planks of various dimensions, etc. You would account for the cost of logs as current expenses. Just a thought.
@Brucanna the planks and woodchip/sawdust are two different product for me. That’s why two finished item has to be recorded out of 1 bill of materials. Quality adjusts with price we sell but the whole quantity remains in my inventory as one and multiple semi/finished items.
@Tut we sell in logs form as well. We often process the logs to make large square planks by removing the barks. We can precisely find out input quantity and output quantity as well. It is important to maintain each category of woods and its quantity.
OK, then. Forget my idea. Your suggestion is on the new Ideas list already.