Problems in creating payslips

Problems in creating payslips, when creating the receipt I can select the employee but I do not have any selection information on earnings, deductions and contributions.
The accounting account plan has been created, but when preparing the receipt I cannot access the information already created. I am using the free Server Win10 x64 version.
Has anyone come across this problem? How to solve?

This is normal behaviour. The details are on the Payslip. By the way you create a Payment against the Payslip not a receipt. THere are no further details on that Payment as it would not be on your bank account either. The categorizatin has been done through the payslip.

Thank you very much for the help. The problem lies in the pay slip, I will send a screenshot:

Earnings: “No matches found”
Deductions: “No matches found”
Contributions: “No matches found”

You need to set these up in Settings. Please follow the guides!

See the older guides at:

Or new

They have already been configured as indicated in the tutorial sending screen capture:


That is not a Payslip item

Please reread the guides given above

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No you did not set any Payslip-Items up in Settings as I gave the link to and as also explained by @Joe91

We can not help you further at this point because you are not following the guidelines given.

Thank you very much for your help, I will follow the guidelines provided and create again.
I apologize and once again thank you very much