Print selected number of bill at once and bill selection date

I have been using this software for about 6 months now and the problem that I find is I am unable to print multiple bills at the same time. I mean I have to manually print each bill one by one. Also we cannot select the bill to display by choosing date wise or month wise. Secondly, while using the production tab when we consume the stock to produce the new one two factors that are very important are missing, 1) When Stock consume it should show the balance stock or negative stock 2) when Produced it should show the previous balance stock 3) Price per unit of production and price of the goods consumed. This will give a very clear picture of production. Also in the report section the excel sheet exported from the taxes section does not contain complete information like Item or Goods Sold or Purchased ( Name of the good) with quantity. A request if these can be made possible as it will be very helpful.
Lastly, I Respectfully appreciate the efforts and his valuable time of the developer of this application and I am enjoying every bit of the accounting through this app. Thank you so much for your time and patience.

batch operations are planned in future releases.

you can click on any column heading to sort the list accordingly.
also if you are using the date format 01-Dec 17, you can search for transactions made in any month using the search option.

enhancements to Production Orders are still in the ideas category.

while the available reports are more than sufficient for most business, customized reports cannot be ignored. the custom reports is a work in progress. after implementation you will be able to generate reports specific to your criteria.