Payslip info

HI Again
my accountants require a salary schedule
is there a way to get the following

Manager export
Date # Employee Description Gross pay Deduction Net pay Contribution
04-12-19 175 UPS04. ANTON MTHEMBU Example Payslip R 55.00 R 45.00 R 10.00 R 10.00

Need like this
Date # Employee Description Gross pay uif tax loan Net pay Contribution
04-12-19 175 UPS04. ANTON MTHEMBU Example Payslip R 55.00 10 15 20 R 10.00 R 10.00

You are exporting the Payslips tab listing. The information you want is on the Payslip Totals per Item and Employee report. You will need to export and manipulate it if you want it in the exact format you showed. You might have to combine that export with what you are exporting now to get all the information.