Payroll Importing vs payslips

What would be the best course of action to take regarding organization of payroll?

I import my bank statements and the statements include a weekly fixed amount for payroll that I would like to be integrated. Do I do this via the pay slip function, liabilities or some other category?

You can set recurring payslips.

Payslips create liabilities, so when you enter the data from your bank statement you will closes the liabilities.

Are you saying when I create reoccurring payslips the software will recognize them from my imported bank statements or do I need to assign them to this each time?

When you create a payslip the software will create a payroll liability. Afterward you enter the bank statement against those liabilities.

If you have a recurring payslip you can do this process faster.

The software will recognize imported bank statements once you set up the rules on the first import.

Thank you for clarifying.