Paying Payroll Liabilities


In order to pay the tax to an outside organisation from payslips (as shown on ‘Less Liabilities’ - ‘Payroll Liabilities’), is it simply a matter of making a ‘New Payment’ and under the account selecting ‘Payroll Liabilities’ ? This was the method I have used to pay the Tax Payable (VAT).

Many thanks for your time in advance.

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Yes, that is exactly correct.

There was just a change in the program that affected payroll accounts. You might consider establishing separate liability accounts for different outside organizations (if you remit funds to more than one). See Set up payslip items | Manager. You could do this before, but it is more encouraged now. A similar change was made for tax liability accounts. See Create and use tax codes | Manager.

Let me emphasize that you do not have to make any changes. But greater flexibility is now standard.

Thank you Tut.