Payroll and BAS Functionality


Ive just set up a new small business and Im currently looking into accounting and payroll software. My business only has 2 PT employees with an expectation to increase to 3 FT staffers in 6-12mths. I will likely be GST registered for the next FY.

I was looking through the functionality of this software which looks great for such a low cost and I believe this would be suitable for my current needs. However I cannot find any info on payroll and BAS functionality.

Is such functionality available?


See this Guide:

In fact, the Guides topic at the top of the forum is where you find information about all sorts of things. And if you activate the built-in Australian GST tax code, a report becomes available, part of which is shown below for a test company:

Australia is the only country for which there is a built-in tax report matching government requirements.

You can find total wages and tax deducted from the Payslip Summary under Reports for the Business Activity Statement.

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