Paying Expenses Guide Error

The guide offers instructions for paying expense claims, but the referenced options do not appear on my screen. I’m using the latest desktop version.

"Once an expense claim has been recorded, it needs to be reimbursed:

  1. Go to the Expense Claims tab, and find the claim you wish to reimburse.
  2. Click View on the relevant claim.
  3. Click the Spend Money button if you are paying out of a bank account or Spend Cash if you are paying out of a cash account.
  4. Fill in the payment details, including the account from which you’ll reimburse the expense.
  5. Click Create to record the reimbursement."

I found workaround under the Payments tab, by setting the account to expense claims. Seems to properly attribute the payment against the existing claims. Is the guide just not up-to-date?

Guides are undergoing complete revamp. You have done the correct thing, which is a change made quite a while ago to make paying expense claim reimbursements the same as other payments.

I am trying to do this now. I’m currently on the cloud version and just uploaded my business from the desktop version. However, I don’t see an account for expense claims when trying to make a payment. Is this something I need to set up and how? I can’t find it anywhere in the guides. Please help.

Agree but why are the new guides such as expense claims incorrect. For example says:

  1. Use the Spend Money button to record the reimbursement transaction directly.

There is no such thing nor vocabulary in Manager that says Spend Money.

It looks like the new guides are written by someone with limited knowledge of Manager as I already in another topic easily pointed out another error in the new guides (I am not sifting through them but I guess will find plenty).

So the old guides are valuable but not up-to-date and increasingly less useful. However, the new Guides from the start are doubtful and that is worrisome as it puts an unnecessary burden on Manager users and Forum users. I hope @Lubos will review all the guides stuff urgently.