'payable VAT' account shows wrong numbers after update

hi all,
as a happy user for several years, i just update my manager.io (mac) to latest version: 19.12.13, but now my ‘payable VAT’ account, on the summary page (liabilities), which always worked correctly, doesn’t show me the amount of payable VAT anymore… instead it shows the total amount of VAT i payed to the tax authorities…
something is going wrong. the VAT reports are still OK… where is my (old) ‘payable VAT’ account on the summary page?
thanks for helping.

First, make sure you have read the Guide: Create and use tax codes | Manager. In particular, study the section on tax liability accounts, which now probably behave differently compared to your old version.

Second, make sure, whatever tax liability account you decide to use, that your tax codes are actually assigned to it, not to Suspense.

Third, if you had an account named payable VAT, you either renamed the old default account or created an account of your own. If so, that virtually guarantees that automatic conversion did not occur upon update to the newer version of manager. (See my point above.)

Fourth, if you no longer have tax transactions assigned to a tax liability account (because of the second point), the balance for your old account would be zero, and you may have the option of suppressing zero balances selected for the Summary page.

You are likely to have found the same issue as here

tut, thanks a lot, i was able to fix it! the thing was, like you said, that i needed to re-assign the tax codes manually to the different liability accounts; apparently the links got ‘lost’ during the update. now the amounts in ‘payable VAT’ are correct again.

well… it looks like the problem didn’t occur because of the program update after all, but due to the installation of the report ‘concept aangifte BTW’ (dutch). last night i deleted this form for research purposes, and installed it again this morning, and i saw that the tax codes were un-assigned again (and had to re-assign them again manually). so it seems like a bug…

I don’t believe so. Localizations like the tax worksheet are set up to run with a specific, pre-determined program configuration. You never confirmed it, but as I wrote earlier, you appear to have modified that setup. Reinstallation of the localization recreates the situation you just overcame.

i never changed the initial setup / tax codes or what so ever. i did rename the standard ‘payable tax’ liability account, and i created a new tax account in addition to that… is it better, for future use, to change the ‘standard’ payable tax account back to its original name? if so, how, and what is its ‘correct’ name? any other solutions are welcome to not having these issues anymore.

The default tax liability account, before the changes, was named Tax payable.

Understand, there is no longer a “standard” tax liability account. But, as long as you have the setup working now, you should not have trouble in the future. Possibly, updating a localization (like the tax worksheet) will require redesignation. But your narrative implies you had installed it for the first time, not updated the worksheet.

That’s useful information. I agree the program behaves in an unintuitive manner, which if if effects many user, would be considered a bug.

Identifying specific behaviour which regularly reproduced the bug makes fixing (or avoiding) it much easier.

@Patch makes a good point, especially when saying it is important to understand the exact behavior or actions that trigger a problem.

One thing to understand, though, is that the worksheet mentioned by @Marc_Nolden is not downloaded in isolation. Installing the localizations for the Netherlands includes installing 17 predefined tax codes. If a user has modified default setups, especially deleting or renaming tax liability accounts, those new or re-installed tax codes could encounter blind alleys as far as assignment to tax liability accounts is concerned. Every time you download and reinstall, you are replacing your existing tax codes. If they accounts they are assigned to are not present, they remain assigned to Suspense. Thus, you recreate the problem for yourself.

It is also worth emphasizing again that worksheet localizations function only with the tax codes they expect. They will not function with other tax codes a user creates.

The localisations consist of much more than a report definition, they include the tax codes they use and I believe can also include accounts. When saving a localisation Manager saves all the changes made to the default Business.

As a result deleting a localisation is non trivial, so maybe the cause of changes to tax codes / associated reports.

Also the localisation are likely to need updating to accommodate the changes to the default tax account. Ie load the localisation, create the tax accounts, link the tax codes to them, save the updated localisation.

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