We receive a PO for 50 pieces, and we create an invoice for the same.
Our agreement with our customer is that we will produce it and deliver in parts of 5 (5x10), and upon delivery, they pay for what they’ve received.
This helps us with our cash flow, and lessens the burden on the customer for larger payments at once.
When we create the delivery note for 10 pcs, is there any way to attach some sort of a part-payment request document only for 10 pcs, instead of attaching the original invoice of 50 pcs, and confusing their staff on whether they are to pay for 50 or 10 pcs?
We want to make it as easy as possible for our customers staff not to make mistakes.
(We initially toyed with editing our original invoice and breaking it into multiple smaller invoices, but this was causing confusion to us to track what we had produced, and what was pending to be delivered or produced.)
When we receive a PO for 50 pieces, Create a Sales Order for 50 pieces.
Create Delivery Note 10 pieces refers to the Sales Order reference.
Then create a Sales Invoice for the number of items sent, referring to the Sales Order reference.
Your customers only need to pay according to the goods and Invoices received.
From the Sales Order Tab, you can monitor how many goods still need to be sent to consumers.