Owner Equity Draw - Best Practices

Hi, I’m a brand new user, just 2 days in, liking what I see so far. I’m a sole proprietor, cash basis accounting. I followed the setup guide for “Set up business as a self-employed services provider”. My question is about best practices to take an owner equity draw. I have searched the forum, and have seen suggestions to use the “Payments” tab, and to use the “Journal Entries Tab”.

I explored the “Payments” tab, and what I did was
Paid From Account: [Business bank account]
Payee: [Owner Name]
Description: Owner Draw
Account: Owner’s Equity

It seemed like it worked, but I wanted to double check this approach, because I also saw a post suggesting to use the “Journal Entries Tab” was better.

I haven’t done the Journal Entries approach yet, but if I did, I would imagine I would debit the “Owner’s Equity” account and I’m not quite sure what account I would credit to make it balance.

Advice is appreciated!

If you read the Guides, you’ll discover you cannot use journal entries for transactions that move money. What forum post suggested you could?

I think I probably misunderstood it. In any case, is the first approach I outlined using the Payments tab proper?


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Thank you for your advice.