Overpaid Invoice Refund


I am doing online trading and sometimes customer will pay extra amount due to payment gateway issue.
For example, $75 item and customer paid RM80 because ATM machine don’t accept $1 and $5 bills.
I have created Customer OverPayments under liabilities and do the refund of $5

I don’t know where was my mistake and how to overcome this because i mostly deal with cash customers and over period of times, there is $29 as customer credit direct deduct from my new cash customer invoice.

and the transaction listing

Please advise.

Thanks and appreciated

Hi Stefan,

From your print screen transaction, I’m guessing that you’re not making the cusomers List ? That’s why all the overpayment transactions didn’t seperate by Manager by account. I think you should make Customer list, I know it’ll be a long one since probably so many people buying from you but otherwise all the overpayment transactions will be kept under 1 account and the system will automatically treated it as a deductable in the incoming invoice that you make.

Hi rully_p,
Thanks for your advice.