Opening Balance

Hi! I’m new to Manager IO. I’m trying to figure out how/where i can set start date for books and how to add the opening balance to my bank accounts.

Also, is there a way to upload excel statement files to Manager for easier reconciliation ?

See Starting balance for bank account - #8 by Indinfer

See bank import

Thank you! I wasn’t able to find beginning balance under cash / bank accounts. Maybe it’s not there in new version/desktop? but i was able to get a debit set in Journal which created a beginning balance!

I also had a similar question. I want to open a new financial year, but I have 4 years of data in one company. Overtime this will grow in size so I figured the best option would be to keep at least one previous years data and capture current transactions, however, by deleting the previous transactions, wont that interfere with the balances in the Balance Sheet? Is there a way to maybe add the opening balances to these accounts?

Manager is a continuous accounting system. It is designed to grow with time.

End of financial period is handled as described here Close an accounting period

deleting the previous transactions is the incorrect approach

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Manager is a perpetual accounting sgstem - there is no need to delete any of the historical data

Why do you want to do this?

Because the file is currently growing and to save on space, I felt it was necessary. If you have another way I can go about doing this please let me know. :slight_smile:

Transaction details take up minimal storage.
Attachments can be large, and there was a plan to allow saving without old attachments. Removing all attachments and history can be done readily Backup, restore, import, and transfer businesses
The data file can be internally compacted using Reduce data file size

Have you looked at the actual size of your Manager data file and worked out about how many copies you can fit in your available storage?

For my system the convenience of have all data at my finger tips outweighs the small gain in storage.

Even with attachments, history, etc. it would be extremely difficult to imagine. One of our largest businesses existing since 2019 on Manager has just over 300 Mb of data (yes less than 1 Gb). Even if we would upload hundreds of images, etc it will not go beyond anything even a small memory stick or SD card can use.

So don’t be worried about size used by Manager data.

Maybe you have another reason such as messed up accounting system and a deep desire to start afresh and escape the trouble. However, this usually brings more problems and it is always better to correct whatever needs correcting, even if moving to other applications, etc.

The GiGa principle (Garbage in = Garbage out) can only be mitigated by working through the existing issues before carrying forward. Wish you the best.

Thank you for your replies guys!

Simple answer (works for desktop version): scroll down to the bottom of the page - click on Settings (left hand menu). There’s an option called “Starting Balances”. If you haven’t used it before, it will be shaded out and under the line. If you have used it it will be full colour and above the line. You need to have first created your accounts. Now choose the relevant type of account (e.g. Bank and Cash Accounts), then choose the specific account, then enter your starting balance. Thereafter, import data from your bank account or (if you prefer, but why would you?) enter it manually.