How can I make anew topic (template) with old names of customers, suppliers and name of items (withe zero balance)? it mean without old transactions such as (sales and purchase transaction).
This is question to start new year’s with zero. (but I need to display the names of suppliers and customers from the previous years)
You can import a backup from another business and then use “Batch Delete” for everything except Customers and Suppliers.
Thanks … How I can do “Batch Delete"?
You can find it in the bottom of every Tab > Batch Operations > Batch Delete
Manager is a perpetual accounting system meaning that balance sheet entries sustain since the start. The easiest to start a new year would just be to edit the start date of the summary screen which will then show you the P&L status as of that date. Business balance sheet status is ongoing and would in any case have to be carried over even in traditional accounting with fresh new years as all these need to have the starting balances based on end values of the previous years.
The important reports such as P&L and Cashflow allow you to set start and end dates (periods) while balance sheet obviously can show end periods but start period is always the one since the business started.
So when using Manager you should not “reset” but continue.
thanks … How can I put new value for quantity of items (products) for new period because I have a problem in the quantity from the previous period?
Correct the entries that are wrong
how ?
By editing the wrong entries of the previous period you referred to as:
Do you have new way to start new items quantity without back to previous period? (previous period 2 years )
please … How I can “Correct the entries that are wrong”?
By looking these entries up and clicking on edit and make the necessary corrections.
Can you fill the Quantity of items manually ? How?
Show an edit screen of one of your wrong entries. Please consult the guides at: