New Inventory implementation not optimized for Projects

Projects report are unable to show inventory cost after the sale of inventory in the new implementation of inventory costing. Project reports also do not show inventory cost even if revaluations are done.

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It turns out I can’t make Inventory Revaluations work for every use-case. I have removed the tab altogether and going different direction. Every sales transaction that sells inventory item has now Cost of goods sold column.


This shows Automatic by default but it allows to set cost of goods sold manually. I think we will need some kind of Close accounting period function which will batch update these automatic entries and updating them with fixed (or manual) amounts. This will guarantee that historical accounting figures won’t change even if the algorithm to calculate them changes which happened a few times before.

So this new approach should solve the challenges I was attempting to solve with Inventory Revaluations while not asking users to do periodical revaluations and taking any existing functionality away.


Cost of goods sold column disappeared. How to enable it?

Can you give more information.

Ok what was it on? Was it on a report?
Please include screen shots.

Also if one of the moderators (@Tut @eko )
could move these posts to there own topic that would be great.

Obviously i replied on lubos post where mentioned that the cost of goods sold column is available on all sales transaction, screen shot is attached also.

You did not attach a screenshot. @Lubos did but you did not. It is not clear what your issue is so please follow FAQ - Manager Forum i.e.:

Be specific. Do not just tell us a feature does not work. Explain what you have done and why you think there is an issue. If your question relates to an apparent software problem (rather than an accounting topic), tell us your operating system (including the version), Manager edition (desktop, server, or cloud), and exactly what you think is wrong. If possible, post screen shots illustrating the problem.

So after reading Lubos post I think you are talking about Revaluations.
Revaluations have changed, they now work on Manual Revaluation not Automatic.

I am not sure what all changed with it cause I don’t use it.
Some other people here can help you.
& there are lots of topics on this topic as well.
You should read a few of them and see if they answer your question.

Whatever your question is.
You are not being clear.
Please clearly state what your question is and what all is going on.
Also tell us everything about it.