Cost not shown in production order

  1. Why does the production cost not appear when all items are entered?
  2. Why does it show that there is no stock even though it was purchased and there is sufficient stock?

Show the line from Inventory Items for this specific item. Probably, you have not received the goods.

I have received the goods but the problem is still the same

You are using Periodic inventory revaluation method and for now this is how it is while using that method don’t know about the future.

What should I do to solve the problem?

In periodic revaluation method this cost column mean nothing as you have already set a standard cost for every item even finished items.
Use the obsolete Automatic Revaluation method.

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Actually I don’t know how to change the evaluation method… could you please share with me screen shot

That method is obsolete and not recommended. Still if you want go to settings>obsolete features>Automatic Inventory Revaluations enable and update.


thanks it’s work now

That it works does not mean you would not have issues in future, note:

It is better to learn the new method, search the forum or the new guides as it is all well explained there.

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@eko is right, the same thing happened with “Theme’s”.
And as a result if you use “Theme’s”, then you can’t use “Footer’s”.
The same thing will likely happen to “Automatic Inventory Revaluations”
not working with whatever gets added next.

But it is a choice to make. Use “Automatic Inventory Revaluations”
and not be able to use the next new addition.

Then you can switch whenever you have learned enough to be use it.