New accounting and reporting

I did some work on it but not sure where to fit in user interface. It is dangerous feature as it is deleting all transactions before “new” start date and setting up new starting balances.

It’s best if you send me your accounting file to and we take it from there.

Maybe there could be a warning that “if you continue it will delete all your information”, similar to a format warning, or please back up this file before delete.

Perhaps the user interface could a step behind the Remove Business button as it would have similar but less fatal consequences if activated, also there could be a built in required Backup to the process along with two/three confirmation steps

Are we anywhere near being able to do this request.

I have noticed another problem in my changes to non gst as of 1st July. If I continue to use my programme, I can simply edit each sale and remove the gst, making it gst free. But I am now required to not issue a tax invoice, it must simply say invoice. If I go to my setting and click on invoice template, change the heading to Invoice, all my previous invoices, which are required to have Tax Invoice automatically are now just Invoice. Similarly if I remove GST from all my inventory or items, all my previously recorded invoices etc. will show GST removed.

What if you go to Settings - Tax Code and delete the tax code,
Does this remove the GST from previous transaction and or change the Tax Invoice heading on previous transactions.

Be aware that the previous GST may just not appear when looking at the transaction but hasn’t changed the transaction, e.g that Invoice for 110, Account 100, GST 10 may now appear as Invoice for 110 and account 100, just that the GST is not shown

I tried to delete the tax code, but in the current file you cannot delete the tax code as it has transactions on it.

With a new business file, you can either ignore the tax code selection or make a new one.

Actually I just went in and created a new tax code “Tax Free”. I edited my item to show Tax Free on invoice, and it has not affected previous invoices.

The only problem would still be the Invoice heading. If you remove the TAX from TAX INVOICE, then all previously created invoices are changed