I now need to be able to offer invoices in 2 currencies.
Previously, all invoices were in my native currency, ZAR, only. I now need to offer both ZAR and USD.
EG: Bob (client) Gets invoice for $100. Bob pays $100 into Wise clearing service (USD acc created). I withdraw, and receive R1800.
I have followed the suggested steps: Show USD received in USD bank account “Wise (Temporary)”, invoice shows paid. Interaccount transfer of USD to “local bank” account.
While this shows the invoice as paid, and clears the USD account to the ZAR account, it DOES NOT show this money as income earned on the P&L statement, which it MUST. It just… doesn’t appear anywhere. P&L statement shows without the (eg) R1800 earned. i.e, if it should be R10,000 total earnings, it shows R8,200.
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