Our accountants wants a report (or as we do now hard copies) of every invoice and receipt we issued during the month.
All our sales from the factory come with the invoices but our sales from our shop (which I have not yet started entering into manager) will just be a receipt. The shop uses loyverse.com, I assume there is no way to easily import all sales receipt from another system into manager?
I would like to be able to see all the sales for a month and the amount of tax payable (some are with VAT other are not).
Invoice (factory) nr 1, Date, Amount, VAT (if any), Total
Invoice (factory) nr 2, Date, Amount, VAT (if any), Total
Receipt (shop) nr 1, Date, Amount, VAT, Total
On the report “Sales invoice by customer” I don’t get any tax information. On the “Tax summary” report I get only the sales with VAT (obviously). What would be the best method to get a monthly report that will show me total sales and VAT?