Manager desktop entry date and time

Hello, everyone, I have a question related to time and date stamps for data entry in the desktop version of Manager version 20.2.6. I know there is no audit trail but I would like to know if any data entries are stamped with a date and time of entry, whether at initial creation or when edited…

Thanks in advance.

You are using an old version - probably thousands of versions behind the current version 22.3.28

Upgrade to the latest version and you will have what you are looking for

Thanks, Joe, I know that, but my question was specific to that version, it;s an audit issue. I realize it’s out of date, but I need to know if that old version had date and time stamp capability for creation and editing of invoices, sales quotes, etc.

Appreciate the reply…

That version did not, because the History file had not been introduced.

Thanks, appreciate the repy!