you are correct, however, perhaps it should be done more accurately.
What should be present on the edit screen is the actual final amount that will appear on the view screen and elsewhere in manager (statements, summaries etc). They really shouldn’t be different.
Apparently @lubos is aware of it and would like it to be shown differently, so we can assume it will be corrected at some point (at which time, anyone who implemented adjustments to get it correct, will probably end up with incorrect entries, one of those “breaking changes”, so sadly, it’s probably best left unchanged! DOH!! lol).
@lubos, why not just round the individual line item subtotal? Wouldn’t that fix the problem?
For the edit screen total and the total as entered into the general ledger to be different is sub par, and I would consider that a bug.
I have always assumed the edit screen to be the value I need to get correct. At least now I know that value is arbitrary and I must check the view
version. Annoying, very annoying, especially when you are creating another and don’t view it by default.