Localization (adding a country)

Kindly add ZIMBABWE to the list of countries…thank you

To add a country to the list, work needs to be done to create the localised settings and reports needed. This is done by volunteers who are usually users from that country with knowledge of what is required and the skill to do the localisation

Okay , thank you… what information do you need to do the work?


@Joe91 explained that usually Forum users from that country like yourself, and in your case Zimbabwe, will need to do the localization, hence the need to not only have the knowledge but also the skills to do that.

Mostly set up the tax code you need to used See these guides
Tax Codes: Create and use tax codes | Choose between tax-exclusive and tax-inclusive prices | Work with multi-component custom tax codes | Reverse charge VAT (Value Added Tax) | Make tax codes inactive | Adjust tax accounting for partial personal use

Set up formatting including currency resolution. See these guides
Set date format | Set time format | Set first day of week | Set number format

You can also look at solutions used by other from Zimbabwe.Particularly to accommodate your countries relationship between ZWL & USD, see