Item Descriptions Not Showing

This has totally screwed things up for me. Let me give you an example of how I have had to spend almost an hour trying to find one item
The manufacturer has over forty cord rewinds to choose from for different models. I particularly want one for a S6000 pet.
The manufacturer uses the part number (my Item Code) V450-A . They also use part description (my Item Name) of CordRewinder, the same description they use on almost all their rewinds.
I use Cord Rewind S6000 pet in my Item Description to quickly and easily identify it.
I now have to refer back to breakdown diagrams to try and find the particular Item Code to find out which item to order. This can be a lengthy process as some have to be accessed via the internet or longer still, by a phone call to technical support…
Then, depending on whether I invoice the customer or sell the item to them via a receipt the customer either gets the Item Code on the Invoice or the Item Code Item Name on the Receipt.
This needs to be fixed immediately, time is money!
PLEASE standardise ALL forms to include the option of all three fields as required, give us the option of what to include in forms and tab columns and get this back to a user-friendly program.
See also Item name default setting