Is it possible to add "Credits deduction" in Sales invoice?

I have mobile phone software/unlocking shop,
I just want to add “Credits Deuduction” option in “Sale invoice” from Supplier payable account to set the balance between supplier’s “Accounts payble” and sale,

For example if I have bought 5000 credits in advance from supplier and I generate a sale invoice for my customer of 10 US$,
than result should be like " Account receiveable" =10 US$ and Supplier payable" balance 4990 US$

Is it possible?


@nsnobel21, the situation you describe seems incomplete. Can you describe it more completely? What are the various purchases for? Unless the $10 sales invoice happens to be for services provided to the company that is your supplier, the two transactions are not connected. A sales invoice goes to your customer and creates the account receivable (an asset). It almost sounds like you are prepurchasing services from your supplier that you are reselling to your customers, which is like buying items for inventory. But I don’t think anyone will be able to recommend how you should handle this without knowing more about a typical transaction.

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yes you are right that I am purchasing services from my supplier and reselling it to my customers,
I give you more details so that you can understand, I have supplier e.g “The Unlocker” who gives me 5000 credits in my account in exchange of currency,(which are obviously a liability “Payable”)
Later I use these credits to unlock phone of my customers and
If 1 phone takes 100 credits to take unlock than I will issue a sale invoice to my customer of 100 credits(an asset and receivable)
Till now my “Receivable” account is well managed by amount 100 but but my “Payable” account is still on 5000 credits rather than 4900 until I use “Spent Money” in Bank account,
Changes I need that there should be option of credits deduction from supplier account in “Sales invoice” so that I can keep records of consumed supplier’s credits
Hope you will get it what I want

@nsnobel21, if I understand your scenario correctly, you are misinterpreting things. When you pay 5000 to The Unlocker, that is an expense of doing business. It is no different than a carpenter buying glue, a mechanic buying spare bolts, an insurance agency paying rent, or a retail shop purchasing bags to place customer’s items into. In each case, the company is buying something consumable that will be used up. There is no fixed asset, because you do not expect the purchased item to last. There is no inventory, so you cannot consider the purchase as cost of goods sold. Because you have already paid 5000 in currency to The Unlocker, there is no account payable. That is, there is no liability.

You are correct that when you issue a sales invoice to your customer you create an asset, because you then have an account receivable (100). Your customer owes your company money. But that transaction actually has nothing to do with your Unlocker expense. And when your customer pays you, there is no affect on your previously entered Unlocker expense. In fact, if your customer pays you immediately at the time of service, you don’t even need a sales invoice. Just receive the money into a cash or bank account. No account receivable would be created.

Your apparent desire is to use Manager to keep track of how many credits you have remaining with The Unlocker. The problem is, the only monetary transaction took place when you purchased the 5000 credits. You might be able to use Manager for what you want by treating the Unlocker credits as inventory. But that might get you into trouble with your tax authority. They might want to see your physical inventory, which you won’t have.

When the Disbursements tab currently in development is finished, you might be able to treat Unlocker credits as billable expenses. The purpose of this new tab is to account for monetary disbursements you intend to rebill to customers. But you aren’t really buying credits for rebilling. You are buying them to use in performance of services for your customers. I suspect you may not even keep detailed information about who your customers are, so you might not be able to associate disbursements with customers. (They need to be identified explicitly, although I suppose a dummy customer ID could work.) So my opinion is that treating things that way might not be approved by your accountant or tax authorities.

Think about how the companies in my examples keep track of things. The carpenter looks at glue remaining in the bottle. The mechanic looks in the parts bin to see how many bolts are left. The retail shop can see the stack of shopping bags declining. The insurance agency can look at the calendar and know the prepaid rent is being used day by day. No accounting transactions are involved. Any accounting tool is useful for certain things, but never every thing. Manager keeps track of the flow of money. Using it for keeping track of other things requires that those things be equivalent to money (as inventory items can be).