Irrelevant Balances from Old Overdue Sales Invoices

Im constantly seeing amounts related to very old months of overdue sales invoices (closed as in Debit and credit) under my P&L or Summary.

I.E. I want to see the P&L of January 2025 - I still see old numbers related to months and years before this month which were accounted in sales invoices and are overdue

Any idea of how to exclude these in my reports?

I only want to see figures that are related to the period I’m filtering.

You could share some screenshot showing the report Edit and View screens so we can understand the situation you are facing.

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The sales values from sales invoices will only appear in the P & L if the Sale Invoice date is in the period covered by the P & L

So it is not possible that old invoices dated prior to the starting period of the P & L show up in the P & L report

What is it that you are referring to?

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This could be the result of Accrual Based reports v Cash Based reports???

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Yes, I hardly ever see cash based accounting, so it slipped my mind :anguished:

Here you can see an example,

this is from the Summary section of Jan 2025 (cash basis) - you can see balances related to invoices from 2020 which are closing each other in debit/credit but they are disrupting my reading.

I only want to see the amounts which were cashed in during the period of Jan 2025 - it used to be like this on the platform years ago in Summary and in P&L report.

Your screenshot isn’t showing the entire page which may hold some useful information.

What account is this?

It’s an income account.

What do you see when you View one of these invoices?

Could you share the View and Journal screens of these invoices?