I utilized Manager to track business expenses and income for a landscaping business in 2015 and 2016 and I have always stored the file on the cloud. I also used manager to store info for a real estate business in 2017 where the file was also stored on the cloud. I recently had to install a new hard drive on my MacBook due to the failure of my old hard drive.
After downloading and installing Manager I downloaded both files from the cloud (Google Drive) and attempted to import the backups of both files. I was able to successfully import the back up for the 2017 real estate business but not the file for the 2015 and 2016 landscape business. I keep receiving a “Invalid File Format” message.
I had wiped everything on my hard drive and reinstalled from back ups in late 2017 with no issues.
I’m not sure what version of manager I was previously running, it may have been one from 2016. The version I am currently using is 18.1.6
Have you read this topic, there is a suggested solution half way down.
Important: keep a master copy of your cloud files unopened by any Manager version
I did read that topic; I found it confusing and do not see the solution that you mention except for installing an older version? I have been unable to find versions from 2016.
To be clear I only have one version of Manager installed on my computer. I do not know what version of Manager I was using beforehand, probably something from late 2016. I have two individual files (businesses) saved in the clouds; one from the 2015-2016 time frame on one from the 2017 time frame.
I recently installed a new hard drive on my computer, downloaded the latest copy of Manager and then downloaded and attempted to import my businesses. I was able to successfully import the business from 2017 but unable to import the business from 15-16.
That installing of an older version was the solution, it enabled a stepping stone between your previous 2016 version and the current 2018 version. Much has changed within both operating systems and Manger over that period of time so jumping from 2016 to 2018 could expose unsuspecting conflicts.
As mentioned previously, you need to maintain clean unopened copies of the data files and only attempt to open copies of those files.
@mjgenay, update your software again. The problem caused by the Windows 10 upgrade has been identified. A solution was incorporated into Manager at version 18.1.37. After updating Manager, you should be able to import and open any file. If you cannot, you have a different problem than the one @Brucanna has been trying to help you with.
Please let us know if the update resolves your problem. Conceivably, your data files may require attention from the developer.
I missed that phrase, “on my MacBook,” at the end of the first paragraph of the first post. I was focused on the link you sent, @Brucanna, recommending a solution from a topic that was 100% about errors on Windows 10 caused by the recent update. I shouldn’t have let myself be distracted by your post.
@mjgenay, try updating anyway and see if that resolves things. The problem was thought to be confined to Windows 10 machines. If you’re having it on a Mac, you would be the first confirmed case.
Update solved the issue, thank you for all the help!
Going forwards I do not currently use Manager for everything but need to be able to access my old businesses. Would it be recommended that I update every couple months? I’m concerned about the next time I have to replace a hard drive or purchase a new computer. My files are safely saved in the cloud but I am concerned with a similar issue arising again.
There is no need to update when you’re not using Manager regularly. The goal is that any new version can open and convert (when necessary because of changes in the database structure) any old data file. The reverse is not true, of course.
Unfortunately, I don’t think it is possible to know whether you had the exact issue that Windows 10 users had reported, although that is possible, since all operating system vendors have been scrambling recently to overcome the same chip problems. I can only tell you I encountered no difficulties using the macOS. And no one else has reported this particular problem.
Whatever the source of the trouble, it’s apparently been fixed. And history shows us that problems like this get fixed in Manager very rapidly, sometimes within minutes. This one took a few days because it was rooted in operating system changes. I think you’re safe storing your data files in the cloud. That avoids the problems of crashed drives, theft, or natural disaster
On the basis of your concerns “the next time I have to replace a hard drive or purchase a new computer” I would recommend that when you next do an update, save the download file on to your hard drive first before installing and also put a copy on your cloud storage.
Then if those circumstances occur, you can recover the download file and re-install Manager.
Thus avoiding having to do regular unnecessary updates or being caught out by major data file re-structures which do occur from time to time.
I can’t thank you guys enough for all your help; every time I come up with an issue we solve it. Y’all have much better customer service than most for-profit companies.