Import Billable Time into Manager - I have a solution

I have made a LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet which lets me easily import billable time entries into manager. This solves the issue of dealing with the customer UUID. My intended use case is to allow staff to record billable time entries so I can import them into manager without giving them access to manager.

I see there has been some previous posts about this, with no solution. The forum wont let me upload ODS speadsheet files, so if anyone wants this, let me know.

Usage is simple. You do an export of customers from manager and paste the entire output into the “Customers Input” worksheet.

You put the hourly rate of the staff member in the “Settings” worksheet.

You (or your staff) put time entries into the “Input Time Entries” worksheet.

You filter the “Export to Manager” worksheet to remove all the empty entries, then copy the whole contents and paste into manager Batch Create Billable time screen.

I have no interest in providing support for this, so if anyone wants it, you can have it, but you are on your own. Its a reasonably simple spreadsheet.

The sheets/cells can be protected to stop staff from accidently or deliberately altering it.

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Search forum, recent changes mad by @Lubos now allow for code and reference to be used in stead of UUID.

Thanks eko I wasnt aware of this.