Implement View Mode functionality everywhere Feature

With the introduction of new View Mode for Inventory Items, Non-Inventory Items as well as Customers and Suppliers, it makes sense to review whether other areas of Manager would benefit from a view menu as the work involved is likely to be very much the same.

The following areas do not have a view menu.

  1. Bank Accounts
  2. Employee
  3. Fixed Assets

I don’t have all Tabs enabled, so there may be other areas.

I suspect that for Employees, one could attach employee contracts and also the ability to simply view employee details without editing them would make a lot of sense if you are only using Manager for payroll.

Fixed Assets, I don’t use enough to know whether a view menu would be of benefit as I can’t think offhand of any attachments that I would add to Fixed Assets. Same point with bank accounts. Not sure what attachments could be added or whether one needs to “View” the bank accounts.

However, as virtually every edit area now has a view area, it really does make sense to add view menus to the above three in order to achieve consistency throughout the program as I have no doubt that others have attachments that they would like to add to Bank Accounts, Fixed Assets and employees.

The following areas have an incomplete view menu.


All reports have a view menu, but none of them have the ability to add attachments. Otherwise all view menus have Edit, Clone, Print and Pdf options as the primary buttons.

I submit that for:

Profit and Loss Budget an excel spreadsheet could be attached containing all the information used to calculate the totals put into the Profit and Loss Budget Report.

Vat Calculation Worksheet - I personally would like to add my VAT return attachment to HMRC to each Vat Return Report. This ensures that I have a hard copy of what I actually submitted at the time as Vat figures have changed over time as Manager was upgraded and bugs were fixed. To me there is no other logical place to put it.

There may be other user cases for adding attachments to different reports. Thus I would like to recommend that Reports View Mode include the ability to add attachments as I suspect that quite a few reports would work well with various attachments to add more detailed information to the report via a spreadsheet etc.

I do understand that reports are not transactions nor are they Inventory, but as long as you cannot delete a report until you have removed the attachment, I don’t see any issues with adding attachments?

Would it be possible to add this to the Ideas category and hopefully implement this soon as the work is likely to be identical to the work done to clone inventory items. For me, the main requirement would be attachments for the Vat Calculation Worksheet.

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: View mode + Attachments for Inventory, Non Inventory & Reports