Images in custom fields

tried to add images on sales invoice custom fields, imgas shown while editing the invoice, saveing it will show the url, and pdf show url only

why not promoting to upload images like business logo, when select custom filed as image ?

Screenshot at Jul 12 14-15-34
Screenshot at Jul 12 14-15-48

You can use html inside the custom field for that


Which will give you this

thanks @Ealfardan but didnt get you

after ```
!(upload:// which url need to place ?

Discourse seems to not like displaying an img url text in the posts.

You should replace {image link} with your url.

<img src="{image link}"/>

I hope this does not get auto moderated but just in case it did, here’s a screenshot.

This is what i enter initially, i pick logo img url but was not showing


| Ealfardan Accountant
July 12 |

  • | - |


Discourse seems to not like displaying an img url text in the posts.

You should replace {image link} with your url.

<img src="{image link}"/>

I hope this does not get auto moderated but just in case it did, here’s a screenshot.