How to use a barcode reader

How to join barcode reader software to manager software

A barcode reader just acts like a regular keyboard.

Simply click your mouse into the field you want to enter the number into, then scan the barcode with your scanner while it’s connected to the computer.

My problem how to connect manager software to barcode software

There’s nothing special to do. A barcode reader usually plugs into a USB port on the computer and acts like a keyboard. It should work with any application that accepts keyboard input, including Manager.

Can you elaborate more on which barcode software / reader you are using - i.e. the make and model? Perhaps I am misunderstanding what you are trying to do here.

Correct I used a barcode reader it brings in the item but not populate the line. To populate the item into the line we have to hit enter again
I think it can be corrected by the developer

It will unlikely be the developers job to do this. Your barcode scanner should be able to be programmed to append an “enter” or “carriage return” after reading the barcode. To achieve this read the manual for your model scanner.

I agree with @compuit. Manager will not be able to distinguish between a standard keyboard and a barcode reader as they work the same way from the computer’s point of view.

This can only be handled by the barcode reader’s software.