How to turn back to "Legacy Layout" all my invoices?

I would second VaccuumDog’s suggestion that Form Defaults should be used to allow users to decide what should show on each form by default.

I use Item Code for product code, Item Name to make it easy to find a product and I copy the Item Name to description because historically the Item Name never showed on the invoice. So the legacy way, I am duplicating the Item Name because the program left me no choice and because I need the Item Code on the invoice, it had to show on the sales quote as well even though I would prefer not to show the item code. I personally would prefer to have the following on my quotes and invoices


Item Code: (Hidden), Item Name: Laptop Fujitsu A3510, Description: 8Gb RAM, 256 SSD etc…


Item Code: FXY12ADX, Item Name: Laptop Fujitsu A3510, Description: 8Gb RAM, 256 SSD etc…

So I would request a form default option for quotes and invoices to hide Item Code on quotes and display on Invoices.

I have always wanted the option to split the table into three columns and show part code in column one, product being sold in column two and a technical description of the product in column three. Currently (I am still using an older version of Manager), I have always had to copy the internal name to the description, make that bold and then enter the description.

However the new changes are addressing this issue for me as you seem to have merged the part code and product name into one field.

I don’t understand the logic of combining the Item Code and Item Name into one field as shown in this topic - Suppress Name field - Invoice, Sales Order Layout

What is the point of merging this field. It makes it inconsistent with every other form as no other fields are merged. I agree with many, putting the option for showing/hiding a field in inventory items is not working. It needs to be in form fields to apply to each form as required.