How to make or use bold text in custom field

Hi, i am using the custom fields for some important issue. Now this feature offer and use the paragraph text and the the text field. (Default Text)

so my question is that is it possible to mark this text or part of it BOLD ? like if i have… Please keep Attention on that…


This is not possible except when creating a new view template for sales invoices. But then you must code the entire invoice from scratch.

@tut, yes but i have no idea on this codes and so on. what i found out is that on the NOTES field this is working. (if i use ** in front and end of text it will be bold) Maybe we also can make this happen on custom field text? I think this should be easy and quick to implement, what you think @lubos

The notes field makes use of the Markdown language, which allows you to do the type of things you say (bold, italics, etc.) Most other fields do not.

I’ve added Markdown support to custom fields in the latest version

@lubos, thank you for implement this, great… appreciate

Where does the markdown support work, and how? I would like to have some text in the invoices marked with bold text, in the description of the products sold for example.

You are reading a 3 year old thread. Read the Guide about HTML in fields. There are examples.