How record employee sales commission?

We’re seeking assistance with our accounting software to track sales commissions for employees. Each employee should earn a commission on every sales invoice they generate (sales). We need help setting up the system to calculate commissions automatically, generate reports on earnings per employee, and facilitate payments at the end of each period. Any advice on how to set this up efficiently would be appreciated.

Create a custom field which contains the salesman’s name and add that to every Sales Invoice for credit sales or to every Receipt for cash sales.

Then you can create a custom report or query with the totals by Salesman

How it will calculate commission?

It won’t

There is no way to calculate commission in Manager

You can export the data to Excel, for example, and calculate it there

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where to create this custom report total sales by sales man

Please note that the forum rules at FAQ - Manager Forum related to help with custom reports state that:

  • Be specific. …If your question is related to custom reports, always post the report definition you have developed and the results it produces…"

Custom reports are created via the Reports Tab, select custom report and try to create what you want and then post the results here if any further questions needed.